We are “Two Peeved Professors” who have been in academia for a combined 80+ years. As retired professors, we have witnessed the transformation of higher education from a storied place to one where instructors quake in their boots, fearing they will get a poor student evaluation.

We have worked in small religious colleges and held tenured senior academic and administrative appointments in large universities, such as the University of Missouri, Virginia Commonwealth University, San Diego State University, Louisiana State University, the University of Houston, The University of Queensland, and Miami University of Ohio. Between us, we have authored 20 books, hundreds of professional articles and book chapters, and held five senior Fulbright teaching and research appointments. We have taught in or have been visiting professors at universities in Israel, Australia, Norway, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Zimbabwe. In short, we are not armchair academics.

Failing Universities was written based on our cumulative experiences in the US and abroad. It was driven by our disappointment in how American tertiary education is devolving into just another market commodity driven by money, greed, and the circus of college sports.

This website has twin functions: (1) promoting the book and (2) providing a meeting place for academics who are disgruntled about what they see or how they are being treated in an increasingly impersonal corporate model.

We hope this website will not be a place for gripes but a place where constructive ideas for reform are aired.

You can contact us at:

[email protected]